Price (per 1000 characters or words)
English to Chinese
RMB180 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Chinese to English
RMB200 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Japanese, Korean
Japanese to Chinese
RMB220 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Chinese to Japanese
RMB240 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Russian, German, French
Korea to Chinese
RMB240 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Chinese to Korea
RMB260 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Spanish, Portugese, Italian
Source to Chinese
RMB360 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Chinese to Target
RMB450 (per 1000 Chn Characters)
Rare Languages
Source to Chinese
For further discussion
Chinese to Target
Notes: 1. The above prices are all about translation. 2. Interpretation Common escort interpretation
English-Chinese interpretation (RMB1000-1200/day/person)
Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, Portugese, Spanish-Chinese interpretation (RMB2000/day/person)
Qualifications of interpreters: Interpreters majored in target language with experience of at least 3 years.
Skills of interpreters: Fluent oral language, strong affinity, good communication skill and readily adjustable to changing circumstances.
Reservation: Three days in advance
Consecutive interpretation
English-Chinese interpretation ($4000/day/person)
Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, Portugese, Spanish-Chinese interpretation (RMB6000/day/person)
Qualifications of interpreters: Simultaneous interpreter or senior consecutive interpreter with interpretation experience of at least 5 years
Skills of interpreters: The interpreters perform well in interpretation level, experience and on-site response capabilities.
Reservation: Two weeks in advance
Simultaneous interpretation
English-Chinese interpretation (RMB8000/hour/two persons)
Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, Portugese, Spanish-Chinese interpretation (RMB20000/day/two persons)
Qualifications of interpreters: Senior international simultaneous interpreter with years' experience in simyltaneous interpretation.
Reservation: Two weeks in advance
IMPORTANT: The interpretation time less than 4 hours is calculated on a half day basis, and more than 4 hours but less than 8 hours is calculated on a day basis. |